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About the Author
Julia Morgan is a born storyteller from rural New Jersey. She received her Bachelor's of Arts degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University in May 2021 summa cum laude in cursu honorum. From there, she achieved a Master's of Arts in Teaching degree for Secondary English Education from FDU in May 2022. Most recently, she received her Master's of Fine Arts in Creative Writing with a concentration in Fiction.
A free and open spirit, she is not pinned to any one style or genre of writing; fiction, creative nonfiction, and dramatic structure hold equal spaces in her heart. Her debut, a play entitled Utilities, was her BA honors thesis and first long-form piece, which she hopes to one day see the story come to life on a professional stage. She is currently finishing her first novel, which she started as her MFA thesis.
Not only does she create original work, but she also skillfully refines outside work through editorial endeavors. She is adept at reassembling prose and enhancing stories in profound ways.
Even in her spare time, she is inherently analytical and creative. She is constantly moving while steadfastly rooted in emotion and meaning. She enjoys critiquing TV or film, designing natural crystal jewelry, and curating Spotify playlists.